Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Republic 328b4-8

So we went to the home of Polemarchus, and there we came upon Lysias and Euthydemus, Polemarchus's brothers, and also Thrasymachus, the Chalcedonian, and Charmantides, the Paeanian, and Cleitophon, the son of Aristonymus. Polemarchus's father, Cephalus, was also at home.

[Another sentence you hope turns up on the Greek final, but it never does. Instead, you get the one with four participles in the subjunctive.

Shorey says that "The particles single out Thrasymachus for ironical emphasis." I don't know why. Any enlightenment on this matter is appreciated.

Notice how these people are all non-Athenians (i.e., foreigners).

Euthydemus gets a Platonic dialogue named for him; he also gets a lesson or two from Socrates in Xenophon's Memorabilia.]

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