Monday, February 21, 2005

Republic 329e6-330a6

"You speak the truth," he said, "for they do not accept it. And there is something to what they say, though not as much as they suppose. But that saying of Themistocles holds good. When someone from Seriphius insulted him and said that he was famous not because of himself but because of the city, he replied that if he himself had been a Seriphian he would not be notable, nor would that man have been notable if he had been born an Athenian. And this saying holds good for those who are not rich -- they bear old age painfully -- that no one who is entirely decent would easily bear old age with poverty, nor would the one who is not decent ever be content even if he became wealthy."

[Shorey has a note on the bit about the Seriphian.

Cephalus's speech has touched on a number of topics that will be addressed later in the dialogue. Among these are happiness in old age and the usefulness of money. I'm sure there are more, but I have to dash off now.]

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